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Driver Gets Lost…

Here is the story from Florida where this happened. Here is the PDF incase it changes. Wow! He/she went 60 miles out of the way.  That is a whole lot of a long way.  I think as a parent I would have been mad too.  As a substitute driver,...

Go To School Green…

I found this tip article about how to go to school green.  I found it quite interesting and actually do love the idea of a walking bus.  It would be interesting for those kids that are say 8 blocks away to set up a little walking route and meet all their...

A Parent Nightmare…

I think I read every single bus driver related article that doesn’t involve an accident.  Oh…I can’t stand reading bus accident reports.  This was at the very bottom of my bus stuff today.  Can you imagine the heart rate of this mom as...

It is that HOT! + New Student Tip…

Here is an article about a school bus driver that passes out.  Here is the PDF incase that one stops working. I just have to say that YES!  It is that hot in these school busses.  I hate when it is past 80 out and I have to drive.  I open all the...

Drunk Driving, No Excuses…

A driver who ran into a building on the way to pick up school kids with a bus.  How can you make such a mistake??  This is way worse than Paris Hilton and she only got 10 days in jail, plus community service and probation.  Ouch… Here is the...

Crazy Kids…

Here is an article about crazy kids on the bus.  I guess it is coming out because of the upcoming school season.  I however have found no connection between gift giving children and good behavior.  I get some rather cool gifts from some of my worst...