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Great Principals Do Help…

I just saw this principal story and had to pass it on.  The principal’s in schools do generally make a difference and can set the mood for a whole school atmosphere.  This one does seem to be exception and deserving of his publicity, so here is some...

Killed One of Own…

This is unimaginable to me even for ex-boyfriend/girlfriend relationships.  They were both bus drivers though, this is all just warped.  I am glad he got 20 years though for a 70 year old that is a pretty long sentence. Here is the PDF.

Tougher School Student Van Driver Regulations…

I don’t think it is a bad idea to throw all the van drivers into the random drug testing pool.  I also don’t think it is a bad idea to check background on these drivers more than 3 years or repull them every year or so. Some drivers who drive for a...

Bus Vandalism Closes School…

Wow!  I guess this would happen everywhere though, if over 1/2 the busses are damaged in one night.  They would more than likely close school.  In my district, they would have a hard time with this scenario because we almost all bring our busses to our...

Scary Collaboration Around The World…

This news story isn’t really school bus related, but it is scary enough for me to spread it a little.  This is a story of school shootings, and the fact that all the shooters sort of collaborated with each other.  This particular one is of a student in...

Driving Through Crosswalks…

This could be me sort of, but not exactly.  Our school principals stand out at the crosswalks and hold the kids back until all the busses are through.  I think that would be a good solution for this situation… but as of now with no control at...