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  1. What’s your favorite food item that is in your refrigerator right now?
  2. Do you enjoying barbecuing on the grill? What’s something that you make often?
  3. What one item (kitchen gadget, appliance, food item) in your kitchen best describes your personality? Why?


  1. Milk – I am a milk addict.  I drink a gallon in about 3 days all by myself.  I mix it with Nesquik.
  2. I like barbecuing.  I like making fish on the grill with lemon pepper, usually a white fish sometimes salmon though.
  3. Wow!  Hard question as there are so many kitchen things that I don’t even know what they are used for, I not a big cook.  I maybe like the mixer.  I have a lot of different interests and mood swings, all mixed into the one me.

Manic Monday questions are found here each week.