Today was boring, but not boring at the same time. Kyra is having slight issues with the location of her vaccination yesterday. It was swollen all day, but is going down now. It made her slightly cranky. I think it itched, but I kept it covered. I think she hated me by the end of the day.
She locked herself in Adam’s bathroom yesterday, so he flipped out trying to get her to unlock the door. Today, she was running around the house pretending she was locked in every room of the house. It has been a bit comical. He goes in a room and starts banging on the door, saying “Help, Help Me…” The than opens the door and says “Open Door Me” which is just so comical.
I did my routes. I am having issues with my high school students, but I don’t know who. They are leaving notes on the bus…with the elementary kids names on it. I have all the elementary names on the wall for assigned seats, so say “Bill” and “June” are sitting in one seat. They are leaving a note on that seat that says something like “June had sex with Bill.” But, both June and Bill are in like 1st grade and the only word they know on the note are there own names. I am going to have a talk in the morning, but I honestly have no idea what to say.
We went to the shelter after my routes with Deuce. They had to fill out his permanent license paperwork. All the people that were at the shelter remembered him though, he is doing great though. I think he liked visiting even, but he sure did jump in the car to leave easy.
We went to the park after and ate dinner from Arby’s. The leaves on the trees at the park were perfect. It was such a nice day. I am loving all this nice weather.
While we were eating, my good friend Mary called me and told me that they made it home. They are truck drivers that go cross country, so when she calls. I know I probably won’t be able to see her again for a few months, so I jump on the chances. I was already 1/2 way there, so after we ate. We went and visited with them. The dog came along. He was perfect though.
It was wonderful to see them though. They said I looked happier which surprises me because I am always pretty happy. I think I run pretty much level.
We came home though and Kyra went to bed rather quickly. I am here, but I am not to late tonight. I’ll be sleeping before I know it. Have a great night.